All ministries abhor child sexual abuse. Most claim to have ‘zero-tolerance’ for abuse, but there is a difference between opposition to abuse in concept and having preventative, proactive initiatives in place to protect children.
After years of litigating sexual abuse cases, Gregory Love and Kimberlee Norris founded MinistrySafe to help churches reduce the risk of child sexual abuse. To address this risk, every church should have a system of protection in place.
Why are children at risk in church?
Church members want to believe that their church, their children’s ministry and their youth programs are safe. They believe that sexual abuse would never happen in their church.Â
This illusion of safety is dangerous to both the church and the children it serves. Abusers take advantage of this environment of grace, forgiveness and second chances – where fewer safety measures are in place.

"We can’t eliminate all risk in our ministry programs, but with the tools and training provided by MinistrySafe, we CAN provide a very safe, secure and nurturing environment for children in which life-changing ministry can take place."
Tim Bruster
Senior Pastor
First United Methodist Church

Are you ready to
prevent sexual abuse
at your church?