Join 20,000 ministries relying on MinistrySafe for cutting edge Training.

Customer Quote

MinistrySafe provides superlative training, bringing the expertise, powerful communication, and technical sophistication needed to excel in this era of digital communication.
Andrew Shockey
Senior Vice President
Child Sexual Abuse: An Issue of EPIC PROPORTIONS.
Webcasts are simple to schedule. Our team will work with you to plan every detail of the event.
Step 1
Complete our Live Training Request Form to be connected with a Live Training Specialist (LTS)
Step 2
Coordinate the logistics of the webcast with your LTS and invite participants
Step 3
Enjoy the webcast and receive an attendance report following the event
Customer Quote

Our all-staff webcast was easy to set up and easy for attendees to view. We are grateful for the passion, care, experience and attention MinistrySafe provides to help protect children in our ministry. We rely on MinistrySafe as an integral training element to protect children and students involved in Perimeter ministries.
Cheryl Flanagan
HR Specialist
Training topics include
Facts vs Common Misconceptions
Abuser Characteristics
The Offender’s ‘Grooming Process’
Common ‘Grooming Behavior’
How to Respond to an Outcry
Methods to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse
Peer-to-Peer Sexual Abuse
Reporting Requirements
Changes in Legislation
Skillful Screening Processes
Interpreting Background Checks
Responding to an Allegation of Abuse
Insurance Coverage Issues
Crafting Policies and Procedures
Creating a Safety Committee
Model of Care for Abuse Survivors
Clergy Privilege
Ministry Best Practices