Website Badges and Window Stickers
Badges for websites and written materials
Let parents, members of your church, and prospective attendees know that your ministry is taking proactive steps to protect children. For ministry websites, download a badge and link it to to let people know what your ministry is doing to protect children and those who serve them. For written materials, simply download or copy a badge for use in promotional materials and other ministry documents.
Window Stickers
Want to let parents know that your ministry is taking proactive steps to protect children? Purchase MinistrySafe window stickers for placement in any area providing services to children or youth.

Large stickers: $1.50 / sticker (2.75 X 9.5 in)
Small stickers: $1.20 / sticker (2 x 6.5 in)
Contact us at [email protected] or 817-737-7233 to purchase your window stickers.
*Special pricing for bulk orders.