Terms & Conditions

Information Privacy

The information gathered from the questions that follow will be used for analytical purposes only.


MinistrySafe Resources

MinistrySafe/Abuse Prevention Systems (APS) resources are available for reference purposes only.  Though the founders and principals are attorneys, the resources and training provided by MinistrySafe/APS is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied upon as legal counsel.  All resources and Trainings are covered by copyright protection, and MinistrySafe/APS members enjoy access to resources and training subject to copyright protection.  Resale or distribution of MinistrySafe/APS resources to non-members constitutes a violation of law.


No Attorney-Client Relationship Created

Survey content is not intended as legal advice and should not be relied upon as legal counsel. Accessing the survey content does not constitute legal advice or the creation of an attorney/client relationship.



By clicking ‘I agree to the Terms,’ you affirm that you have reviewed these Terms and Conditions and acknowledge your agreement to these terms.