Policies & Procedures

Learn how to create and implement effective policies addressing child sexual abuse risk in your ministry.

Working with children is a privilege, not a right. Oftentimes, organizations adopt practices that are comfortable or convenient without considering the potential ramifications, thereby placing children at risk. Typically, change is difficult without an understanding of why change is necessary.

Policies are what you DO, not what you SAY you do

Without effective implementation, a written policy is worse than useless—it can be harmful. From a legal standpoint, a written policy creates an internal standard that must be followed. When it isn’t followed, a written policy can create more problems than no policy at all. The answer isn’t ‘adopt no written policies’, rather, to adopt written policies that fit and reflect staff training and actual practices.

Creating Policies & Procedures Training is available through MinistrySafe Membership.

Policies fit the ministry precisely

Where written policy is concerned, one size does not fit all. Policy picked up from the internet, borrowed from a contemporary or cobbled together is likely to fail. When the policy does not apply to a specific job description or responsibility, staff members and volunteers are unlikely to comply.

Policies and procedures must fit the ministry, and we offer policies by program type, with tips and assistance on customization for specific programs.

Sample policies available through MinistrySafe Membership:

  • Youth Ministry Policies
  • Youth Sports Policies
  • Children's Ministry Policies
  • Daycare Policies
  • Education Policies
  • Camp Policies
  • Child Services Policies

MinistrySafe Policies and Procedures, implemented by staff members who understand the WHY behind policies, are an essential element of an effective Safety System.